Lexicon of Objects from the Greek Comedy

Dr. Anna Novokhatko, Dr. Virginia Mastellari, Dr. Beatrice Gavazza, Leon Glaser, Dr. Valentina Caruso, MA Eleonora Athanasiadou, MA Lucia Lomazzo, MA Anna Donati

Our method : The data derive from the indixes of the KomFrag series’ volumes that have been published. For each entry we collected the bibliography from KomFrag volumes’ commentaries. Whenever a Greek word occurs in more than one fragment the data base collects all the information under only one voice.
How to use the database: You can use a search field as well as several search fields in combination (For example, you can combine the Category field with the Author and Fragment field). To search a field, simply type in a string of letters of the term you are looking for.

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